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包裹WP20561000697晒单 新人帖
发表于 2020-6-12 10:46:24 | 最新回复 2020-6-12 10:46:24 | 来自于 USA 楼主
I chose DHL as my shipping method, and paid a hefty deposit. Delivery was 5 days after dispatching, which was a lot faster than I thought. I received almost half my deposit as a refund, which was great. I chose to vacuum seal my package, which kept out water, bugs, mold, dust, and other contaminants and my products were completely unscathed upon arrival. WeGoBuy also put a commercial invoice on my parcel, and took care of all the other intricate details that ensured it would make it through customs and be in my hands as soon as possible. I ran into zero issues along the way, and my agents were very communicative with me about outstanding balances and exchanges. I will continue using WeGoBuy for all my purchasing. https://img1.wegobuy.com/images/package/2020/06/12/11918154edc59391512c62fbaf9f924617f4d64.jpg?x-oss-process=image/resize,m_fill,w_950

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