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  • 1521 0 1 mambamentality88666 发表于:2022-5-30 预览
    I am very pleased with my shopping and customer service experiences here on wegobuy.com. Most recently Kennis did a great job helping me out with one
  • 1244 0 1 shakedbs 发表于:2022-5-28 预览
    Thank you Liv for your great customer service, very satisfied from your help.
  • United Kingdom the best type
    1297 0 4 saifulxislam 发表于:2022-6-8 预览
    man city is the best i think i reckon
  • 隨著多種加密貨幣價格的暴跌,金融媒體非常迅速地展示了常見的大量看跌和聳人聽聞的頭條新聞。頭條新聞吸引了投資者的情緒化,而很少在投資決策方面增加價值。不過,請記住,標題是滯後的指標。簡單描述市場的現狀是一回事,預測市場的走向是另一回事。在這個充滿挑戰的時代,投資者需要保持客觀和冷靜的頭腦。實現和保持這
  • United Kingdom Lily-WO22551049479 新人帖
    1256 0 2 edmowam 发表于:2022-5-14 预览
    Great work from Lily! Really helpful and efficient! Thank you Lily.
  • 1405 0 0 fish.lam92093 发表于:2022-5-30 预览
  • 1206 0 0 SEUN 发表于:2022-5-27 预览
    Thanks  Liv for watching and helping me towards my order. Am glad  you helped.:) Any body ever used this seller???  She
  • It had been sitting there since October of last year and I was ready to finally ship it and noticed it was gone. And immediately LLYIUM got it back fo
  • 1254 0 1 fish.lam92093 发表于:2022-5-23 预览
    剛接觸虛擬貨幣市場,是否買比特幣比較好呢?聽說它是虛擬貨幣界的大佬,幣災時跌得比較少,而且部分商戶都開始開放比特幣交易,好像真的有價值! 不過在周末的波克夏海瑟威年度股東大會上,股神巴菲特再次發表了一系列唱衰比特幣的言論,包括「比特幣25美元他也不會買」,會中他的商業夥伴芒格甚至以「愚蠢、邪惡、差
  • Belgium Very pleased 新人帖
    1553 0 1 DrJordan 发表于:2022-5-24 预览
    Very pleased with the service. Got good pictures and contact with WeGoBuy. The shipping was expensive, but "hey, it's 2022!" (everything is expensive)
  • Australia Liv great agent 新人帖
    1378 0 0 tawqeersaiyed 发表于:2022-5-17 预览
    Very respectful and helpful
  • United States sunny -WI22521129167
    1191 0 0 luxion999 发表于:2022-5-17 预览
    Sunny was very friendly and helpful! Thank you so much
  • Netherlands Liv-WO22551070215 新人帖
    1321 0 0 imrane 发表于:2022-5-16 预览
    Thank you so much Liv, amazing work! Very, very satisfied with them, super nice and responds very quick! amazing service :)
  • 1128 0 0 fish.lam92093 发表于:2022-5-10 预览
    投資房地產的好處是多方面的。 憑藉精心挑選的資產,投資者可以享受可預測的現金流、出色的回報、稅收優惠和多元化——並且可以利用房地產來積累財富。 關鍵要點 房地產投資者通過依賴房產的商業活動產生的租金收入、升值和利潤來賺錢。 投資買樓的好處包括被動收入、穩定的現金流、稅收優惠、多元化和槓桿作用。
  • Hong Kong Have a good day! 新人帖
    1281 0 0 fish.lam92093 发表于:2022-5-10 预览
    Have a good day!
  • United States Great service from Lily 新人帖
    1380 0 0 wonderjoy55 发表于:2022-5-8 预览
    Lily-WO22551037517 , great job thank you!
  • 1336 1 1 acoldworld 发表于:2022-4-8 预览
    I love Sunny. Really supportive and helpful, thank you.
  • United Kingdom Lily-WO22531063140 新人帖
    1420 2 1 abhisheklimbu17 发表于:2022-3-15 预览
    Lily the great, very respectful, friendly and helpful. I'm happy she was able to help me with my problem, thank you ❤️
  • United States (Liv-WO22531079997) 新人帖
    1252 1 0 rma8691 发表于:2022-3-24 预览
    She was the best and very helpful. she examed my prduct to the uttmost and took care of me very well. She answered all my questions. Thank you so much
  • Thank you Kennis for your service and the patience you have provided. Hope to work with you again soon! God bless!
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